Event Information

N° of participants

500 Participants


Live streaming


Roboze Bio-based PA: a new material for a more sustainable world

Sustainability is the necessary prerequisite for lasting progress for people and the planet. Investing in the research and development of diversified solutions, that can satisfy the various stages of production of goods, is one of the strategic choices for obtaining answers and proposing corrective actions to current business methods and models.

Roboze is convinced of this and we have decided to do so by investing in the research and development of alternative materials to petroleum-based super polymers, by favoring the use of bio-based reinforcing fibers and matrices.

Our first result is Roboze Bio-based PA: the first high-performance bio-based FFF 3D printing material.

With the same specification and performance, but with 60% lower CO2 emissions than a carbon fiber-reinforced petroleum-based PA, this new PA will enable manufacturing companies to move closer to their sustainability goals and contribute to a better future for the planet.

Don’t miss the in-depth webinar: only 500 spots available!

Register for the webinar to discover:

  • What is Roboze Bio-based PA;
  • Its main technical characteristics;
  • Applications and advantages.

The Roboze Bio-based PA webinar will be broadcast live and will conclude with an interactive Q&A section with the speaker Diego Boscolo, Roboze Application Engineer.

Download the webinar, relax and get ready to #PrintStrongLikeMetal!


Diego Boscolo Bozza

Roboze Application Engineer