Roboze One+400 Xtreme in the excellences corner of 3D Adept
3DAdept, online magazine dedicated to 3D printing, added our Roboze One+400 Xtreme in the corner of excellences in 3D printing, offered by the industry. More performances, printing versatility, more precision (15 micron with the renewed Beltless System), extreme control of the machine and availability of high temperature and composite materials , specifically designed for the most extreme applications: the jewel of the new Xtreme series with its desktop/production additive manufacturing systems conquered even this influencing online magazine, in the Extrusion section.
Xtreme – the series that completely changed the way of producing with FFF 3D printing – is the result of our constant research, an excellence that combines expertise and technology in order to give end users the chance to strengthen their performances, getting benefit from one of the most innovative and advanced systems in additive manufacturing.
All the information about Roboze One+400 Xtreme are available at the specific page 3D Printers Corner of 3D Adept.
Discover more: https://bit.ly/2Wn5DK9