Heat treatment process: exclusive webinar
A Webinar to discover the latest innovation that accelerates and optimizes the production phases
All plastics, including thermoplastic filaments used in 3D printing, are polymers. Many plastics used in 3D printing share the hygroscopy property, such as the ability to absorb moisture from the surrounding environment. If this phenomenon is not controlled, it weakens the material, resulting in a degradation of its optical, chemical and mechanical characteristics.
In the coming webinar organized by the ROBOZE experts, you will discover the advantages guaranteed by the latest innovation "Heat Treatment Process", a system that integrates all the phases necessary for the production of functional prototypes and finished components with composite materials and high temperature super polymers, from the preparation of filaments up to thermal post-processing.
Join the Webinar and discover how the combination between ROBOZE and High performance polymers can improve your processes and accelerate your time-to-market.
Get in touch with us and register through Roboze contact form, typing in the request section “Heat Treatment Process: November 15th 2019 at 10am CET”.