Eim Capital & Limfjorden capital co-investment in Roboze
Romain Peugeot joins Roboze Advisory Board
EiM Capital, Private Markets Investment firm specialised in the industrial sector, alongside Limited Partner Limfjorden Capital ApS, becomes a minority shareholder of Roboze. Romain Peugeot will be joining our Advisory Board.
The capital raised is part of the strategic plan to bring new technologies to market, specifically to the industrial sector through applications in aerospace, energy, and mobility.
At Roboze, we are redesigning manufacturing and supply chain, moving production back to the point of use, replacing expensive and increasingly rare metals with super polymers and composites that are recyclable at the end of their life cycle. The future requires imminent change in the logic of mass production. We can no longer produce in a delocalized way without caring about waste, transportation, and associated emissions. The new production model must be financially sustainable, both in terms of environment and geopolitics. Producing on demand, just in time and locally lays the foundation for a more sustainable future. Romain Peugeot is a chartered corporate director, strategic thinker, investor, and operator in Private Markets since 2012. We are delighted to have him joining our Advisory Board.
Alessio Lorusso, Founder & CEO of Roboze
Roboze SpA is at the forefront of 3D printing technology disruption for industrial production. The company has cutting-edge technology and an ambitious roll-out plan for future high-tech products. The acquisition of this minority position will be at the core of our industrial transformation strategy, we are committed to play an active role and support the developments and the growth of the company in the long term.
Romain Peugeot, Managing Director EiM Capital